Great news! The Robot Special Issue 10 of Alien Dimensions is now available.

I’m pretty happy with many of the ideas in these stories. Sam’s is disturbing, Arthur’s is shocking, Gustavo’s is amusing, Aishwarya’s is thought-provoking, Ken’s is disconcerting and Derek’s is confounding! You might have different opinions. Would love to read your feedback on Amazon. If you have a chance, please leave a review.
In this issue:
-Short Stories-
Diagnosis by Sam Honour
Backlot Diplomacy by Gustavo Bondoni
Feeding a World by Ken Grant
The Voyager by Aishwarya S.
Retirement by Arthur M. Doweyko
The Opposition by Neil A. Hogan
-For Younger Readers-
Drifting in the Dark by Derek Spohn
Tiara and the Comet Apocalypse Part 3 by Neil A. Hogan
Order online from Amazon:
Alien Dimensions Issue 10 Digital
Alien Dimensions Issue 10 Print