Alien Dimensions Space Fiction Short Stories Anthology Series Alien Dimensions Reviews Thanks to Cannonball Read and SF CrowsNest for their reviews of Alien Dimensions Issues 9 and 11, respectively

Thanks to Cannonball Read and SF CrowsNest for their reviews of Alien Dimensions Issues 9 and 11, respectively

Thanks to Cannonball Read and SF CrowsNest for their reviews of Alien Dimensions Issues 9 and 11 respectively

I’m quite a shy writer and, while I have been actively promoting authors’ works, I shake when I have to make the decision to include one of my own in an edition. Generally, I consider other writers ‘works to be so much better than mine (and if you’ve ever read issue 1 of Alien Dimensions, which is full of my own work to get the series started, I’d agree with you if you said some of it was cringe-worthy. What was that meme again? ‘aargh, my eyes’) So, when I discovered that there were a couple of reviews of Alien Dimensions on highly respected sites, I clicked on the links with great trepidation, checking my accounts first in case I needed to buy a stiff whisky or two afterwards.

I am very happy to say my fears were unfounded. These are both great reviews and really show up the positives in many of the works featured in the issues. I thoroughly recommend you check out these pages, and other reviews on the sites.

Many many thanks for your reviews

Sabian’s review of Alien Dimensions Issue 9 at Cannonball Read

Eamonn Murphy’s review of Alien Dimensions Issue 11 at SF Crowsnest