Selected Alien Dimensions Stories Online, Read by a Robot

Selected Alien Dimensions Stories Online, Read by a Robot!

I’m always looking at ways to promote Alien Dimensions, and when I discovered how easy it was to convert text into words using Microsoft Word’s reading voice, I thought, why not put some stories up as Youtube videos. Then people might listen to the stories, discover how good Alien Dimensions is, and maybe buy an issue or two!

Well, they’d have to find them first. Within moments of posting the videos they were way down the bottom of the 1000 hours of videos that gets uploaded to Youtube every few minutes.

A few weeks later and still barely anyone has discovered them, so, oh well. Their loss is your gain. If you haven’t got these issues yet and want to listen to a robot voice read a few stories to you while you’re working, check out the following videos from Issue 2:

Alien Dimensions Science Fiction Fantasy and Metaphysical Short Stories Issue 2

The Gene Miracle

Distant Helix

Solid State Survivor

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