Alien Dimensions #25 has ‘gone wide’ due to the importance of the “Alien First Contact” content reaching the most amount of people around the world. You can now find digital and print versions beyond Amazon. It is now available on the Apple Store and via Barnes and Nobel and Kobo, and an audio version is on Google Play, with an Apple store version coming soon. Scroll down to follow some of the links to various online bookstores around the world. In the history of Alien Dimensions releases, this is the farthest reach any issue has ever had.

Japan | Oman | Switzerland | Iraq | South Korea | Taiwan | France | The Netherlands | Germany
These are just a few of the countries where you can get issue #25 in digital and in print. These bookshops are selling it in English. There are no plans yet to make a translated version due to the high cost involved.
Of course, Alien Dimensions #25 is also available via Amazon through their country websites. Here are the links for the USA site.
And, here is the link to the audio version (AI read) available via Google Play. (The voice chosen is Marcus, a deep voice older gentleman, adding extra gravitas to the storylines.) Alien Dimensions #25 audio.

In other news, Alien Dimensions #26 is due out in May 2024.