Very proud to say that Mike Adamson’s story in Alien Dimensions #17 has made it into the list of finalists for the Aurealis short story awards 2019.
Sky Tears is a great story, and is up against some other great stories. Here’s the list:
“Sky Tears”, Mike Adamson (Alien Dimensions #17, Maldek House)
“Wreck Diving”, Joanne Anderton (Aurealis #123, Chimaera Publications)
“Riding the Snails”, Jason Fischer (War of the Worlds: Battleground Australia, Clan Destine Press)
“Canute”, RPL Johnson (SNAFU: Last Stand, Cohesion Press)
“What We Named the Needle”, Freya Marske (Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Issue Jul/Aug 2019, Penny Publications)
“Micro”, Angela Meyer (Kill Your Darlings, Speculative Fiction and Fantasy Showcase 2019)
You can view the entire list of finalists for this and other categories here:
Winners will be announced later in 2020.
If you’d like to find out more about Mike Adamson’s story, check out Alien Dimensions #17 here: Digital & Print