Alien Dimensions 16 Back in Kindle Unlimited for a Limited Time!

Alien Dimensions 16 Back in Kindle Unlimited for a Limited Time! post thumbnail image

After Alien Dimensions #16 has gone wide for over a year, and after checking sales and interest across a number of platforms during that time, I have come to the sad conclusion that Alien Dimensions only really does well on Amazon.

And so, I’ve pulled the ebook versions of Alien Dimensions from all other distributors and made it exclusive with Amazon again.

If you haven’t read Alien Dimensions #16 because it wasn’t in Kindle Unlimited, now’s your chance!

Alien Dimensions #16
Digital | Print

Containing some great stories:

Blink by Gustavo Bondoni

The Clever Nature of Wool by Robert N Stephenson

Innocuous But Lethal by Mike Adamson

Moon Mine by Neil A. Hogan

Starbuck Billy Robert M. Walton

G.L.O.R.I.A. by K.L. Hallam

The Light of Thought by Jeffrey Freedman

Many thanks for your support of Alien Dimensions

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