Alien Dimensions Space Fiction Short Stories Anthology Series Exobiology,NASA Alien Dimensions Issue 15 Open for Submissions. Also, NASA Exobiology Proposals also open!

Alien Dimensions Issue 15 Open for Submissions. Also, NASA Exobiology Proposals also open!

Alien Dimensions Issue 15 Open for Submissions

Thinking about submitting one of your spare stories to Alien Dimensions? Check out the updated submission guides page here: Alien Dimensions Submissions


Exobiology Proposals NASA

On another note, if you actively research exobiology, or you’re part of the astrobiology community, you may be interested in submitting a research proposal to NASA. They’re not looking for anything related to detecting signals, but they are putting feelers out for proposals on:

(from NASA’s notice)
• Prebiotic Evolution
• Early Evolution of Life and the Biosphere
• Evolution of Advanced Life
• Large scale environmental change and Macro-evolution
• Biosignatures and Life Elsewhere

Personally, I hope many astrobiologists submit proposals on macro-evolution. That’ll grab the public’s imagination and in the long term may even help to increase NASA’s budget.

Find out more at: Exobiology Proposals NASA