Alien Dimensions Issue 12 – About the Authors
So much work goes into creating that immersive experience of another world that we sometimes feel the characters are alive, the world exists, and we’ve been given a privilege in seeing into that reality for a short time, forgetting that someone has actually created it. So, in this post, I’d like to show appreciation for the hard work of the writers of issue 12 by listing some of their other achievements. If you haven’t got Issue 12 yet, the links are below. Please also check out the other publications that these authors’ works have appeared in.
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Alien Dimensions Issue 12 Print
Antlions by Elana Gomel
Elana is the author of five non-fiction books published by Routledge, Macmillan and others, and numerous articles on subjects ranging from science fiction and fantasy to posthumanism and Victorian literature. Elana work has appeared in New Horizons, Bewildering Stories, Timeless Tales, The Singularity, New Realm, Mythic, The Fantasist and other magazines; and in anthologies The Apex Book of World SF, People of the Book, Twelve Days of Christmas, Ink Stains and others. Elana’s fantasy novel A Tale of Three Cities was published in 2013.
Hues of Living Green by Russell Hemmell
Russell’s most recent stories have appeared in Digital SF, Not One of Us, Perihelion SF, and elsewhere. He was also a finalist in The Canopus 100 Year Starship Awards 2016-2017.
Home is Where Your Hearts Are by Danielle Davis
Danielle’s work has most recently appeared in kINKED, Tailfins & Sealskins: An Anthology of Water Lore, and Candlesticks & Daggers: An Anthology of Mixed-Genre Mysteries. Danielle’s horror novella, No Room for Valor, is also published serially on JukePop Serials.
Old World Problems by Eddie D. Moore
Eddie’s stories have been published by Jouth Webzine, The Flash Fiction Press, Every Day Fiction, Theme of Absence, Devolution Z, and Fantasia Divinity Magazine. Find more on his blog:
Found on Proxima B by Priya Sridhar
Priya’s stories have appeared in Where the Stars Rise, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, She Walks in Shadows, Spindles, Indian SF Magazine, Deimos eZine and Flux Fiction. Priya’s novella “Carousal” was published in 2014.
Touch by Nicky Martin
Nicky is a regular for Alien Dimensions and works as a freelance writer under various pseudonyms for other publications via Upwork. His stories have appeared in Alien Dimensions issues Issue 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 11.
The Exchange by Neil A. Hogan
The editor and publisher, Neil A. has written over two hundred self-published titles on Amazon, under a variety of pseudonyms in various genres, from ESL, recipes, bar review books to esoteric and more mature titles, as well as illustrated children’s series. Neil’s next novel Stellar Flash: Alien Frequency is due out in October.
and something for younger readers –
Tiara and the Comet Apocalypse Part 5 by Neil A. Hogan
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