PDF Review Copies. Send your request to the submissions email

PDF Review Copies. Send your request to the submissions email post thumbnail image

Are you interested in reviewing an issue of Alien Dimensions? Either as an honest review on Amazon, or something more detailed for your own site or Facebook page? I’d love to get more attention for our wonderful authors and their amazing stories, so if you would like to review an issue of Alien Dimensions on your popular blog, I’d be very happy to email you one pdf copy of the currently available issue of your choice.

Also, if you’re a member of Amazon’s affiliate marketing program, you could link to the book you review on your personal site, and perhaps earn a few cents commission if someone buys it through your blog.

It’s a win win!

Send your request to submissions@aliendimensions.com with the headline: Request for a pdf review for Issue ___

Please email me a link to the review when it is up, and I’ll make a special blog post on this site about it, linking to it.

Many thanks!

Neil A. Hogan